Friday, January 14, 2011


We can be sick, not only of the body, but also of the heart, the mind, and the spirit. By this prayer, we ask not only to be healed from our bodily ailments, but even from our ailments of the heart, the mind, and the spirit.


O, God our Creator and Father, You love us so much that You sent Your divine Son, our Lord Jesus Christ, to help us in all our needs, and above all, to save us. And so, to show His concern for us, He went about doing good, healing the sick, and even restoring lives to some. The disabled, the lepers, the paralytic, the blind, and many others — they were all restored to their normal health by the touch of His hand, by the word of His mouth.

O Jesus, our Divine Savior and Physician, touch us by Your hand, and let the healing power of Your love flow unto us. There is nothing impossible with You. You will it, and we are healed.

Heal me from my bodily ailments that can badly affect my performance in my daily activities and work. Give me the health and strength of body that I may be able to cope with my responsibilities in life effectively.

More importantly, dear Jesus, heal me from my sicknesses of heart, of mind, and of the spirit.

Heal me, dear Lord, from my pride and arrogance that make me feel superior over others, or even despise or treat them with contempt. Heal me from my cynicism that make me take spiritual things for granted, indifferent, and snobbish towards You and my neighbor. Heal me from my conceit and self-centeredness that make me see and exaggerate the good in me and the faults of others. Instead, give me true humility.

Heal me, dear Jesus, from my greed and selfishness that make me desire inordinately material things to the point of losing my taste for spiritual values, especially my love for You. Instead, give me the spirit of generosity.

Heal me from my lust and sensuality that make me desire inordinately illicit pleasures of the body and even abuse my human sexuality or exploit others for my own gratification. Instead, dear God, give me purity of body and soul. Help me be decent in thought, word, and deed.

Heal me from envy and jealousy, dear Master, that make me desire unreasonably the good that I see in others. Help me love them, instead, O Lord.

Heal me from my anger, my tendency to lose my temper even over little things, and in the process make my disposition irritable and irritating. Instead, dear God, make me patient and forbearing.

Heal me from my hatred, from my bitterness and resentment against those who may have offended me, from my desire to revenge or to be vindictive. Remove any grudges from my heart that can destroy my peace of mind and inner joy. Instead, dear Lord, make me charitable and loving to others.

Heal me from my laziness, from my inordinate desire for comfort and ease that make me forget or even neglect my responsibilities. Instead, dear Lord, make me diligent, conscientious, and zealous.

Heal me from my memories of unpleasant events, hostile persons, and evil places that have caused me embarrassment and shame, or marred my past life.

O Holy Spirit, the Divine Paraclete, make me experience the strengthening effect of Your grace. Drive away my fears and doubts, my anxieties and worries, my feelings of insecurity and frustration. Enlighten and guide me, strengthen and inspire me, as I go through my daily life committed to Your Will.

I ask all this through Christ our Lord, Amen


     I found this prayer 12 years ago in the chapel of a hospital, during the time Daddy was sick. It is a very beautiful prayer that I hope all of you would be able to draw strength and renewal from.

©CherWriter 2011.01.14


  1. quite timely for me, especially the very last part. Thanks for posting this beautiful prayer.

  2. Joy, you're very much welcome. I got this prayer also during a time of crisis and since it's the new year, I thought of putting it up for anyone who needs it.

    May it bring you solace and comfort, whatever comes your way. :D




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